What if someone could see through your eyes, but they lived on the other side of the world? What if you started receiving mysterious postcards with paintings on them depicting scenes of your life and work mixed with some tropical environment? What if you could page through someone’s mail, unfolding the letters from their envelopes, and learn the surreal and hand-crafted beauty of two people slowly falling in love?
All these things are wrapped up in the Griffin & Sabine trilogy--one of the most physically unique books to be published in recent decades. One page will have the front of a postcard on it, and when you turn the page, you can read the back of the postcard. Some pages have envelopes on them, and you can pull out the hand-written letters inside. And all of the pages are covered in intense and colorful artworks. Trust me, this is a beautiful book (even suitable for an upcoming romantic holiday…) and very appropriate to read on Send A Card to A Friend Day.
How to Commemorate
- Send a (handwritten!) card to a friend. (Bonus points if you include a drawing.)
- Read someone’s mail.
- Buy stamps. (You know, so you have them for the next time you want to send a card.)
Works Cited
Griffin & Sabine (trilogy)
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