Hey. Henry here. I’m the granddad in this motley group of book jockeys. I’m the one who’s pretty old-school. I like Clive Cussler and Tom Clancy and Horatio Hornblower and stories about soldiers and all that. You know, tough stuff. Not saying I'm a tough guy or anything, though I am a former Marine so... yeah, maybe I'm tough.
Until it comes to my granddaughter. My daughter (ok, my daughter and her husband) adopted Grace 3 years back, and I admit I didn't quite get it when they made the decision. Blood means a lot to guys like me who fought for their country, but when I first saw Grace's little hand in my daughter's, something in this old turkey melted. So I relate a lot to Jay on Modern Family, being the grandad to a beautiful kid. Jay doesn't always catch on right away, but he usually comes around in the end. There are kids out there right now who need love and a home, and I'm damn proud that my daughter stepped up to welcome one in and make her family.
How to Commemorate
- Dress up in costumes.
- Go ice skating.
- Go trapezing.
- Plan a Halloween funhouse.
- Take a family portrait? (I don't know. How do you guys come up with stuff for this every time?)
Share your photos and celebrations on our Facebook or twitter pages.
Works Cited
Modern Family