Ok, so here's the thing about Patrick Rothfuss--he has off-the-charts world-building powers. I mean, seriously, all of his countries have histories and languages and folk heroes, and his laws of magic--don't even get me started. I have never read a series with a more explainable means of magic. And hey, the archive doesn't hurt either. The books are told in epic flashbacks from gifted young magician Kvothe as he grows from an idyllic life traveling the roads with his artistic parents to a time in the future where he becomes infamous by ...well, I don't want to ruin it for you.

So, start with the first book
The Name of the Wind where you get to know Kvothe, and go from there. But be warned in case you're a Westeros fan--if you're angry with George RR for making you wait for more GoT books, you may be similarly upset with Rothfuss. Word is, he auctions off his writing time for fundraisers.
How to Commemorate
- Keep iron on-hand.
- Sing a song, play an instrument, or act out a story.
- Climb onto a rooftop (bonus points for being barefoot).
The Name of the Wind