So Terminator is a pretty good franchise, right? I mean, I'm not saying every movie was gold (ahem, T3!), but they're usually pretty good about dealing with at least some thematic elements of what it is to be human or to be in control. Plus there's the Christ imagery. John Connor (like another J.C.) is the last best hope for humanity in an ongoing desperate war, and his mother is like the madonna. Just saying. There's something else... What is it...? Oh, right. The movies totally kick ass--especially T2 and Genisys (with a certain Game of Thrones star), in my humble opinion.
How to Commemorate*
Works Cited
Terminator 2 (but don't forget the original Terminator, T3, Terminator: Salvation, Terminator: Genisys, and The Sarah Connor Chronicles)
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